
Village Council

Mayor: Doug Jones

Councilor: Bailey Meier-Wilson

Councilor: Lindsay Kokesch

Councilor: Carly Coulter

Councilor: Allan Knihniski



Administrator: Bobbi Jones

Foreman: Len Bueckert


Council Meetings

Regular meetings of Council are held in the Council Chambers at the Village Office, commencing at 7:00 pm on the second Tuesday of each month.  Extra meetings may be called when deemed necessary.  Public notice of a regular meeting date change or a special meeting, is provided at the Village Office and on the Village website.

All Council Meetings are open to the public.  Council may, by resolution, close all or part of a meeting to the public if a matter to be discussed at that meeting is within one of the exemptions listed in Part III of The Local Authority Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act or concerns long-range or strategic planning.  No member of the public may speak to the Council during the meeting unless they are speaking as a member of a delegation on the agenda.

Minutes are posted once they are approved by Council (typically at the following Council Meeting) and are posted at the Village Office and on the Village Webpage.